Auction History
Auction has finished
Highest bidder was: lourdes.villar
Date | Bid | User | Auto |
5 May, 2023 3:32 pm | $1,000 | lourdes.villar | |
5 May, 2023 12:00 am | Auction started |
Winning Bid: $1,000
Calling all budding performers to Act, Sing and Dance this Summer!
CentreStage Studios HK is Hong Kong’s premier performing arts training studio for children and young adults ages 3-18 years. Our mission is to provide a platform to nurture creativity, enrich imagination and equip young people with communication skills that can be used beyond the parameters of the theatre. Centre Stage is the LAMDA Representative for Hong Kong.
Donated by CentreStage Studios
Item condition: New
Auction has finished
Highest bidder was: lourdes.villar
Date | Bid | User | Auto |
5 May, 2023 3:32 pm | $1,000 | lourdes.villar | |
5 May, 2023 12:00 am | Auction started |
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